NEW to the 2020 AELE Internal Affairs/Discipline ON-DEMAND Seminar
While a few of the topics for the 2020 AELE Internal Affairs/Discipline ON-DEMAND seminar may look the same, the content is updated, reflecting the changing times we are living in to ensure nothing is overlooked in the IA or discipline processes. NEW topics and presenters have been added to make sure you have the latest information on a variety of topics. Below are a few select new topics and presenters that will showcase a few of the changes to the 2020 ON-DEMAND IA/Discipline seminar.
Oh, by the way. Time is not an issue because the seminar is available ON-DEMAND, so each presenter does not need to rush through topics. Further, case studies are used at the beginning of most topics to showcase important issues and then how potential SOLUTIONS can be applied. This is the most solutions-oriented Internal Affairs/Discipline seminar available today.
What is in the way of a good IA? Internal Barriers & Roadblocks
Presenters: Kimberly Miller, Ph.D., and Lt. David Pearson
Internal investigations are a critical part of every law enforcement agency; however, this process is often maligned, undervalued, and undermined. This creates a situation where bad officers are not held accountable and good officers are frustrated. If you want to ensure your accountability system is effective this workshop is for you. We will explore the reasons you have to be intentional about hiring and promoting for character, how to develop an evaluation system that is accurate and actually works, why you must have an early warning system, how to obtain buy in from leadership, and the reason that everything comes down to culture. We will also detail the most critical tips and tools to conduct an effective investigation and how best to structure your unit.
What is in the way of a good IA? Do You have Trust & Legitimacy?
Presenters: Kimberly Miller, Ph.D., and Lt. David Pearson
Public trust and support are what every agency desires, especially right now; however, few have proactively done what is necessary to earn it. Additionally, when it comes to IA’s, employee discipline and “the way things are done,” public scrutiny is sharper than ever. Calls to defund and abolish agencies have arisen from both a lack of understanding of what law enforcement does and a lack of trust. If you want to have more legitimacy, have your IA and discipline processes hold up against external review, this workshop is a must for you. We will explore how to develop trust, build relationships, build a bridge with your community and how to become partners in setting the value of what you do and how you do it.
Officer Accountability: What are your law enforcement agency’s objective, fair, just, bias-neutralized notice, rules, and procedures?
Presenter: Michael Brave, J.D.
Considerations for law enforcement officers (LEOs) accountability standards, and the importance of fair warning, and objective, fair, just, unbiased notice, procedures, processes, definitions, and rules. For our civil systems to forcibly take money from one person and give it to another there are distinct definitions, rules of civil procedure, rules of evidence, appellate and other rules. For a government to forcibly take away someone’s freedom, there are distinct definitions, criminal statutes, criminal procedure rules, rules of evidence, appellate rules, etc. For law enforcement officers (LEOs), with additional potential negative consequences to their families, to lose their credibility, jobs, careers, livelihoods, what are the definitions, fair notice, objective, bias-neutralized rules, procedures, and processes? Also, what are the foreseeable consequences of an agency having more restrictive rules than applicable clearly established law?
Risk Management and Organizational Culture and Evaluation of Internal Affairs Investigations for Investigative Completeness
Presenter: Captain Ron Sanchez (Ret. LAPD)
Ron Sanchez will present two related modules associated with the Internal Affairs investigation, management, and assessment processes. The first module, 'Risk Management and Organizational Culture,' will address Effective Organizational Culture and Risk Management Exposures and Control Activities. The second module, 'Evaluation of Internal Affairs Investigations for Investigative Completeness,' will include, but not be limited to IA Organizational Structure, Selection and Training, Management Competencies, Control Activities, Investigative Completeness, and Internal and Independent Assessments of the IA process.
Michael Brave (attorney, consultant, trainer, sworn officer), has a wide range of law enforcement experience: he has been retained as an expert 270+ international inquests, state and federal civil rights issues, and others; he has been involved in 500+ temporal deaths; and he has presented on force and other subjects 1000+ times in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Panama, Austria, and U.K., and has authored, or co-authored, approximately 100 papers and book chapters.
While a few of the topics for the 2020 AELE Internal Affairs/Discipline ON-DEMAND seminar may look the same, the content is updated, reflecting the changing times we are living in to ensure nothing is overlooked in the IA or discipline processes. NEW topics and presenters have been added to make sure you have the latest information on a variety of topics. Below are a few select new topics and presenters that will showcase a few of the changes to the 2020 ON-DEMAND IA/Discipline seminar.
Oh, by the way. Time is not an issue because the seminar is available ON-DEMAND, so each presenter does not need to rush through topics. Further, case studies are used at the beginning of most topics to showcase important issues and then how potential SOLUTIONS can be applied. This is the most solutions-oriented Internal Affairs/Discipline seminar available today.
What is in the way of a good IA? Internal Barriers & Roadblocks
Presenters: Kimberly Miller, Ph.D., and Lt. David Pearson
Internal investigations are a critical part of every law enforcement agency; however, this process is often maligned, undervalued, and undermined. This creates a situation where bad officers are not held accountable and good officers are frustrated. If you want to ensure your accountability system is effective this workshop is for you. We will explore the reasons you have to be intentional about hiring and promoting for character, how to develop an evaluation system that is accurate and actually works, why you must have an early warning system, how to obtain buy in from leadership, and the reason that everything comes down to culture. We will also detail the most critical tips and tools to conduct an effective investigation and how best to structure your unit.
What is in the way of a good IA? Do You have Trust & Legitimacy?
Presenters: Kimberly Miller, Ph.D., and Lt. David Pearson
Public trust and support are what every agency desires, especially right now; however, few have proactively done what is necessary to earn it. Additionally, when it comes to IA’s, employee discipline and “the way things are done,” public scrutiny is sharper than ever. Calls to defund and abolish agencies have arisen from both a lack of understanding of what law enforcement does and a lack of trust. If you want to have more legitimacy, have your IA and discipline processes hold up against external review, this workshop is a must for you. We will explore how to develop trust, build relationships, build a bridge with your community and how to become partners in setting the value of what you do and how you do it.
Officer Accountability: What are your law enforcement agency’s objective, fair, just, bias-neutralized notice, rules, and procedures?
Presenter: Michael Brave, J.D.
Considerations for law enforcement officers (LEOs) accountability standards, and the importance of fair warning, and objective, fair, just, unbiased notice, procedures, processes, definitions, and rules. For our civil systems to forcibly take money from one person and give it to another there are distinct definitions, rules of civil procedure, rules of evidence, appellate and other rules. For a government to forcibly take away someone’s freedom, there are distinct definitions, criminal statutes, criminal procedure rules, rules of evidence, appellate rules, etc. For law enforcement officers (LEOs), with additional potential negative consequences to their families, to lose their credibility, jobs, careers, livelihoods, what are the definitions, fair notice, objective, bias-neutralized rules, procedures, and processes? Also, what are the foreseeable consequences of an agency having more restrictive rules than applicable clearly established law?
Risk Management and Organizational Culture and Evaluation of Internal Affairs Investigations for Investigative Completeness
Presenter: Captain Ron Sanchez (Ret. LAPD)
Ron Sanchez will present two related modules associated with the Internal Affairs investigation, management, and assessment processes. The first module, 'Risk Management and Organizational Culture,' will address Effective Organizational Culture and Risk Management Exposures and Control Activities. The second module, 'Evaluation of Internal Affairs Investigations for Investigative Completeness,' will include, but not be limited to IA Organizational Structure, Selection and Training, Management Competencies, Control Activities, Investigative Completeness, and Internal and Independent Assessments of the IA process.
Michael Brave (attorney, consultant, trainer, sworn officer), has a wide range of law enforcement experience: he has been retained as an expert 270+ international inquests, state and federal civil rights issues, and others; he has been involved in 500+ temporal deaths; and he has presented on force and other subjects 1000+ times in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Panama, Austria, and U.K., and has authored, or co-authored, approximately 100 papers and book chapters.
Dr. Kimberly Miller is a licensed police and public safety psychologist and sought-after speaker and consultant who has been inspiring and motivating individuals in our profession for over 16 years. Dr. Miller has worked with over 150 public safety organizations and provided training for tens of thousands of students around the country through her local, regional, national and online training programs. She is a strength-based facilitator of individual and organizational change and is known for her relationship-based approach to her work and the skill-based, engaging training and consultation services she offers. Her programs and services are designed to improve not only the individual line-level employee skills but also the organization as a whole. Dr. Miller’s educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Auburn University, a Master’s degree in clinical psychology from Ball State University, and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Colorado State University. In addition to her academic credentials, Dr. Miller has significant experience in leadership, coaching, and mentoring with over 30 years of serving in supervisory and leadership roles and is currently the president of the National Sheriffs’ Association Psychological Services Board.
David Pearson is a lieutenant with a Colorado law enforcement agency, and has been an active law enforcement officer since 1990. David was promoted in 1998 and spent 13 years as a sergeant and supervised in patrol, traffic, internal affairs, and property crimes. As a sergeant, David served in a collateral assignment as a SWAT team leader for 8 years before being promoted to Lieutenant in 2011. As a lieutenant, David served as the Personnel and Training Lieutenant, Criminal Investigations Lieutenant, Professional Standards Lieutenant, Patrol Watch Commander, Commander of the Northern Colorado Drug Task Force, and Acting Assistant Chief for the Criminal Investigations Division.
Ron Sanchez retired as a Captain with the Los Angeles Police Department and is a Certified Fraud Examiner, a Certified Government Audit Professional, and has an Accreditation in Internal Audit Quality Assessment/Validation. He is president of Veritas Assurance Group, which specializes in law enforcement agency performance auditing, risk management, training, litigation preparation, and consent decree compliance auditing. Additionally, Ron has experience as a designated use of force expert in negotiation litigations and settlement agreements involving civil rights law firms and law enforcement agencies.
Ron Sanchez retired as a Captain with the Los Angeles Police Department and is a Certified Fraud Examiner, a Certified Government Audit Professional, and has an Accreditation in Internal Audit Quality Assessment/Validation. He is president of Veritas Assurance Group, which specializes in law enforcement agency performance auditing, risk management, training, litigation preparation, and consent decree compliance auditing. Additionally, Ron has experience as a designated use of force expert in negotiation litigations and settlement agreements involving civil rights law firms and law enforcement agencies.