IACP Legal Officers Section
Agenda for the 2004 meeting. [HTML]
Employment Law Update [HTML]
Jody M. Litchford, Deputy City Attorney, Orlando, Florida
HR 218 - How to Implement [HTML]
Martin J. Mayer, Jones & Mayer
The Top Ten Employment Issues Confronting Law Enforcement [HTML]
Martin J. Mayer, Jones & Mayer
SACOP Executive Directors Section [HTML]
Martin J. Mayer, Jones & Mayer
The Chiefs Guide to Internal Affairs [HTML]
Jack Collins, Mass. Chiefs of Police Assn.
Jack Collins, Mass. Chiefs of Police Assn.
Part I - Historical Background [HTML]
Parts II - IV [HTML]
Retaliation Protection
Enforcing the FLSA
Personal Liability of Chiefs and Supervisors
The Chiefs Guide to Labor Relations [HTML]
Jack Collins Mass. Chiefs of Police Assn..
Recent Fourth Amendment Developments in Use of Force [HTML]
Edmund Zigmund, FLETC
Immigration Law, Domestic Security & Foreign Nationals [HTML]
Michael Ramage, Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement
42 U.S. Code 1983 Update [HTML]
Elliot B. Spector
The Taser a visual aid presentation [PowerPoint]
Eric Edwards, Phoenix Police Dept.
Specimen Taser policy: Las Vegas Metro. Police Dept. [PDF]
Legal Implications of the Use of Less Lethal Force During a Demonstration [PowerPoint]
Mark H. Newbold, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept., NC
The Use of Deception by Law Enforcement Officers
Deception Operations: Police Attorney Role [PowerPoint]
Deception Operations Checklist [HTML]
Cases and Annotations [HTML]
Jeff Fluck, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, GA
Supreme Court 2003 2004 Term: Cases of Interest to Law Enforcement
Beverly A. Ginn, Legal Advisor, Tucson Police Dept., AZ [HTML]
Truth or Consequences: Dealing with the deceitful police officer [PDF]
Mike Stone et al. [added Feb. 1, 2005]
Information on the IACP Legal Officers Section. [Website link]
Legal Update for Police Psychologists 2004, Wayne W. Schmidt, AELE. [HTML]
Fitness for Duty Evaluations: The Doctor v. The Lawyer, Martin J. Mayer, Jones & Mayer [HTML]
Information on the IACP Police Psychological Services Section. [Website link]
Significant Supreme Court Decisions, 2003-2004 Term, by Jeff Higginbotham. [HTML]
Information on FAPA. [Website link]
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