2010 IACP Annual Conference: Legal materials

IACP Legal Officers Section (LOS)

The International Association of Police Attorneys

Orlando, Florida Oct. 23-27, 2010

2010 LOS Agenda

2010 LOS Papers and Outlines:

Handling Emotionally Disturbed Persons & 42 U.S.C. 1983 Civil Liability Update

Elliot B. Spector, University of Connecticut, Storrs

Labor and Employment Decisions Affecting Criminal Justice Agencies in the

U. S. Supreme Court 2009 - 2010

Lee Ann Freeman, Orlando, FL

Legal Issues When Using or Encountering

21st Century Technology in Criminal Investigations

Panelists: Michael Ramage, Carl Milazzo & Jayme Holcomb

Recent Labor and Employment Decisions of Note

Jody M. Litchford, Orlando, FL

Selected Rulings of the Supreme Court, 2009-2010

Karen J. Kruger, Funk & Bolton, Baltimore, MD

Social Networking in Law Enforcement

Martha Stonebrook, Salt Lake City, UT

and Rick Stubbs, Denver, CO

Glossary of Social Media Terms

List of Useful Social Media Citations

Federal Collective Bargaining Legislation

for State and Municipal Public Safety Personnel

Jack Collins, Counsel, Mass. Chiefs of Police Assn.

Off-Duty, On-line Policing Your Officers on Social Media

Lynn Hightower, Boise, ID

2010 LOS Visual Presentations:

Are We Following the Law During Background Investigations?

Michael Berkow, New York, NY

Electronic Control Weapon Liability

Eric P. Daigle, Southington, CT

Federal Collective Bargaining Legislation for State and Municipal Public Safety Personnel

Jack Collins Mass. Chiefs of Police Assn.

Legal Issues When Using or Encountering 21st Century Technology in Criminal Investigations

Panel discussion

Pregnancy & Policing: A New Policy Makes Them More Compatible

Karen J. Kruger, Funk & Bolton, Baltimore, MD

Social Networking in Law Enforcement Legal Issues

Martha Stonebrook, Salt Lake City, and Rick Stubbs, Denver

State and Local Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law: The Arizona Experiment

Beverly Ginn, Tucson, AZ

State and Local Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law: The Arizona Experiment

Lisa Judge, Tucson, AZ

Supreme Court 2009 Term

Karen J. Kruger, Funk & Bolton, Baltimore, MD

2010 AELE Articles

AELE Monthly Law Journal (online, PDF format)

A variety of articles on police liability, discipline,

employment law and corrections legal issues

Selected Legal Articles - published in 2010

Chronological (newest first) check back for updates

* FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Supreme Court Cases 2009-2010 Term (Nov. 2010)

The Supreme Court Revisits the Miranda Right to Silence (Sep. 2010)

Confronting Science Use of evidence affidavits (Aug. 2010)

Cell Phones as Prison Contraband (Jul. 2010)

Family and Medical Leave Act Amendments (Jun. 2010)

Fifth Amendment Protection and Break in Custody (May 2010)

Confessions and the Constitution (Apr. 2010)

Evidence-Based Decisions on Police Pursuits (Mar. 2010)

Retaliation in Discrimination Cases (Feb. 2010)

Police Investigations of the Use of Deadly Force

Can Influence Perceptions and Outcomes (Jan. 2010)

* FLETC Legal Division

      2010 issues of The Informer

* The Police Chief (and Chiefs Counsel articles)

What Every Police Chief Should Know About Electronic Control Devices (Dec. 2010)

Legal Training and Concerns for Conducted Energy Weapons (Nov. 2010)

A Comprehensive Approach to Eliminating Adverse Impact in

Public Safety Promotional Exams (Oct. 2010)

Handling Officer-Involved Shootings (Oct. 2010)

Police Use-of-Force Outcomes: Injuries and Control (Oct. 2010)

Principles to Promote Effective Agency Practices in Database and

Information Management (Sep. 2010)

Police Dept. May Read Text Messages Sent on Agency-Issued Pagers (Aug. 2010)

IACP Policy Assists Agencies to Define Pregnancy Policies (Jul. 2010)

The Use of Garbage to Establish Probable Cause for

Granting Valid Search Warrants (Jun. 2010)

Social Networking Policies: Just Another Policy? (May 2010)

Ninth Circuit Approves Blanket County Jail Strip Search Policy (Apr. 2010)

Recovery Act Compliance No Simple Matter (Mar. 2010)

Bryan v. McPherson - A New Standard for the Use of Electronic Control Devices? (Feb. 2010)

Collection of DNA Upon Arrest: Expanding Investigative Frontiers (Jan. 2010)

* KenWallentine.com

Xiphos summaries of criminal procedure cases

* Legal & Liability Risk Management Institute 

2010 Legal Updates

IACP Legal Officers Section info.

Section information and membership form

IACP Police Psychological Services Section (legal outlines & slides)

Multiyear outlines and documents menu

Compiled by AELE

This page is hosted by the AELE Law Enforcement Legal Center.

Materials from prior conferences can be accessed here.

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