118th IACP Annual Conference: 2011 Legal Materials

IACP Legal Officers Section (LOS)

The International Association of Police Attorneys

Chicago, Illinois – Oct. 22-24, 2011

2011 Legal Officers Section (LOS) Agenda 

2011 Annual Updates:

2011 cases affecting police psychologists

Martin J. Mayer, Fullerton, CA

2011 employment law update

Jody M. Litchford, Orlando, FL

2011 legal ethics – What’s an attorney to do?

Martha S. Stonebrook, Salt Lake City, UT

2011 LOS Papers and Outlines:

Eyewitness Evidence Reform: Panel Discussion

Report, A test of the simultaneous vs. sequential lineup methods

American Judicature Society (2011)

• Also see article, “Lineups and showups

  Alameda County District Attorney (PoV Fall 2011)

Officer’s personal cell phones – Subject to discovery?

Martin J. Mayer, Fullerton CA

The chief’s role in collective bargaining negotiations  Specimen management rights clause

John M. “Jack” Collins, Grafton, MA

2011 LOS Visual Presentations: (PDF)

Double-blind sequential lineups: Field experiment results

Panel: Prof. Nancy Steblay, Ph.D., et al.

Qualified immunity / Fair notice defenses

Elliot B. Spector, South Windsor, CT

Supreme Court legal update, 2010-11 Term (Very large file – loads slowly)

Robert Faigin, San Diego, CA (Also see FBI article, No. 11, below)

The chief’s role in collective bargaining negotiations 

John M. “Jack” Collins, Grafton, MA

TASER® electronic control devices – Force update

Michael Brave, Scottsdale, AZ

Other IACP Conference Presentations (of interest to police attorneys)

Chief, I’ve been in a shooting: What happens next?” (FSN summary)

John Bostain, Edward Geiselman and Laura Scarry

LOS legal presentations to the IACP Police Psychological Services Section (opens a new menu)

Documents menu, “The Extremely Agitated Subject” – Police Physicians Section presentation (scroll down)

2011 AELE Articles

AELE Monthly Law Journal  (online, PDF format)

A variety of scholarly articles on police liability, discipline,

labor & employment law and corrections legal issues

Selected Legal Articles and Reports Published in 2011


* FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin – Law related articles

1.      Off-duty officers and firearms (Jan. 2011)

2.      The “public safety” exception to Miranda (Feb. 2011)

3.      The emergency aid exception to the warrant requirement (Mar. 2011)

4.      Searches of motor vehicles incident to arrest in a post-Gant world (Apr. 2011)

5.      Police corruption (May 2011)

6.      “Donning and doffing” police uniforms and protective gear (Jun. 2011)

7.      Police negotiations with war veterans (Jul. 2011)

8.      Overview of the ADA amendments of 2008 (Aug. 2011)

9.      Responding to persons with mental illness (Oct. 2011)

10.  Disclosure in the modern age (Oct. 2011)

11. Supreme Court cases: 2010-2011 Term (Nov. 2011)

* FLETC Legal Division

         2011 issues of The Informer (Summaries of appellate court cases)

* IACP – Law related articles and documents

1.       Understanding the psychology of police misconduct (Jan. 2011)

2.       Psychological factors after officer-involved shootings (Jan. 2011)

3.       Federal collective bargaining legislation for state and municipal public safety personnel (Jan. 2011)

4.       Vehicle searches in the wake of Arizona v. Gant (Feb. 2011)

5.       Agency policies  to disclose Brady material to prosecutors (Mar. 2011)

6.       Managing risk by reducing internal litigation (Apr. 2011)

7.       Arbitration under an expired contract (Apr. 2011)

8.       FMLA leave for the birth of a child (May 2011)

9.       Critical incident review board: creation and refinement (Jun. 2011)

10.   Guide: Addressing sexual offenses and misconduct by law enforcement (Jun. 2011)

11.   Warrantless searches of cellphones (Jul. 2011)

12.   Selection of professionals for fitness-for-duty evaluations (Aug. 2011)

13.   Psychological suitability of candidates for law enforcement positions (Aug. 2011)

14.   Psychological fitness-for-duty evaluations in law enforcement (Aug. 2011)

15.   Exigent circumstances: What is that? (Sep. 2011)

16.   Dealing with outside influences in disciplinary decisions (Oct. 2011)

17.   Internal affairs: an evolution in organizational culture? (Nov. 2011)

18.   Taking the straw man to the ground: arguments in support of the linear use-of-force continuum (Dec. 2011)

19.   Postincident video review (Dec. 2011)

* KenWallentine.com

Xiphos – summaries of criminal procedure cases

Top 10 Supreme Court cases for 2010 – Police One TM (Dec. 2010)

* PATC Legal & Liability Risk Management Institute 

2011 Legal Updates (Weekly case analyses)

      * Force Science Institute, Ltd.

Force Science News Archive (Use of force, biometrics, psychology and law)

IACP Legal Officers Section info.

Section information and membership form

IACP Police Physicians Section

The Extremely Agitated Subject (A multidisciplinary presentation)

IACP Police Psychological Services Section (Legal outlines & slides)

Multiyear outlines and documents menucompiled by AELE

This page is hosted by the AELE Law Enforcement Legal Center.

Materials from prior conferences can be accessed here.

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