Law Enforcement Use of Robots
The use of robots by law enforcement is a growing area of interest. The following is a list of references on this topic, and will be updated periodically.
Law Review Articles:
Magazine, Newspaper, and Online Articles:
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Page updated August 24, 2019.
Law Review Articles:
- B. Sankar, Note: What Happens When Police Robots Violate the Constitution? Excessive Force Litigation Under §1983 Regarding Violations Perpetrated by Robots, 20 (3) Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 947 (2018).
- Melanie Reid, Rethinking the Fourth Amendment in the Age of Supercomputers, Artificial Intelligence, and Robots, 112 West Virginia Law Review 100 (2017).
- Elizabeth E. Hoh, Private Security Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Deadly Force, 51 University of California, Davis Law Review 569 (2017).
- Amanda McAlliste, Stranger than Science Fiction: The Rise of A.I. Interrogation in the Dawn of Autonomous Robots and the Need for an Additional Protocol to the U.N. Convention Against Torture, 101 Minnesota Law Review 2527 (2017).
- Melissa Hamilton, Police Robots and the Law, 34 (5) Westlaw Journal Computer & Internet 1 (2016). Abstract.
- Andrew B. Talai, Drones and Jones: The Fourth Amendment and Police Discretion in the Digital Age, 102 (3) Calif. L. Rev. 728 (Jun. 2014).
Magazine, Newspaper, and Online Articles:
- Pamela Bump, Law Enforcement Robots and Drones—5 Current Applications, Emerj (May 20, 2019).
- Bruce Champagne, Robots, Remotes, and the Law Enforcement Use of Force, Medium (Nov. 27, 2017).
- Alan Kang, The Future of Policing, The Regulatory Review (July 17, 2017).
- E.B. Boyd, Is Police Use of Force About to Get Worse—With Robots?, Politico Magazine (September 22, 2016
- April Glaser, 11 Police Robots Patroling Around the World, Wired Magazine (July 24, 2016).
- Matthew Feeney, We Should Beware Police Killings by Robot or Drone, Newsweek (July 17, 2016).
- Debate, What Ethics Should Guide the Use of Robots in Policing?, New York Times (July 14, 2016). (Four related articles).
- Yana Welinder, Police Robots Could Reduce the Use of Deadly Force, N.Y. Times (July 14, 2016).
- Len Calderone, Robotics in Law Enforcement, Robotics Tomorrow (August 15, 2013).
- Kelly Y.. Greeling, Autonomous Robots in Law Enforcement: Future Legal and Ethical Issues, Research Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (2013).
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Page updated August 24, 2019.