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Also see, EEOC ex rel. Tucker and City of Tempe Police Dept., # 350-A1-2326 (2002).

Tempe Police Department

120 East 5th Street

Tempe, AZ 85281

(480) 350-8306

Fitness for Duty

General Order 03.601

Issue Date: 04-28-2000

Review Date: 03-07-2001

Revision Date: 05-25-2001

It is the policy of the Tempe Police Department that whenever an employee demonstrates significant performance deficiencies and a supervisor has reason to believe the cause may have psychological origins, the supervisor may require the employee to undergo a fitness for duty examination.

A. Procedure

1. The following procedures will be followed when seeking a fitness for duty evaluation:

* The reporting supervisor will forward a written request for a fitness for duty psychological examination through their chain of command to the Chief of Police

* The Chief of Police will evaluate the written request and will give approval for the examination, if appropriate

* The reporting supervisor will arrange for an appointment with the designated psychologist once the request has been approved

* The designated psychologist will complete an examination and prepare a confidential report of the evaluation

* The Fitness for Duty confidential report will be forwarded to the reporting supervisor that requested the examination

* The reporting supervisor will use the Fitness for Duty confidential report as an aid in determining any administrative course of action that may be needed

* The Fitness for Duty confidential report will not be copied and will remain secured at all times by the reporting supervisor

* Access and discussion of the Fitness for Duty confidential report will be limited to the reporting supervisor and those who are on a need to know basis

* Once the Fitness for Duty confidential report is no longer needed by the reporting supervisor, as an aid in determining an administrative course of action, the reporting supervisor will ensure the report is filed as a confidential document in the Internal Affairs Unit's files

* Fitness for Duty confidential reports will be purged regularly by the Internal Affairs Unit, according to the guidelines on file with the City Clerk's Office

* Any access to Fitness for Duty confidential reports must be approved by an Assistant Chief of Police

2. Re-entry evaluations are required of all employees, who discharge their weapon in the line of duty resulting in death or serious injury as outlined in General Order 12.107

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