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Tulsa Police Department

Special Operations Team (SOT) Deployment/Armed & Barricaded Suspect Policy used by the Tulsa, Oklahoma Police Department.


In incidents involving armed and barricaded suspects and other critical situations, the primary goal of the Tulsa Police Department is to apprehend the suspect without injury or loss of life.

Organization, teamwork, and discipline are required of each officer to protect the lives of victims, police officers, and suspects.

The first officers to arrive on the scene have the most crucial responsibility. They must assess the situation quickly and accurately and report their findings to other involved personnel. They must communicate critical information that will enable other officers to contain the suspect, control the situation, and conclude the incident as safely as possible.

Officers will not jeopardize this responsibility by taking independent action.

SUMMARY: Procedures to be followed when responding to an armed and barricaded suspect and other critical situations.

APPLIES TO: All Police Personnel.

ARMED & BARRICADED SUSPECT - an armed person who has committed a felony or is an imminent threat to himself or others and who refuses to submit to arrest, using a structure (house, vehicle, building) to prevent apprehension.

CRISIS NEGOTIATORS - special operations team members who are specially trained in tactical negotiations.

CRITICAL SITUATIONS - crucial or unusual circumstances in which concentrated and specially trained forces are necessary to resolve a crisis situation (i.e., SOT).

FIREARMS DISCIPLINE - Officers shall not discharge weapons at the scene unless ordered to do so or when defending themselves or others.

INNER PERIMETER - the immediate area of containment. This area is initially manned by uniformed officers until they are relieved by SOT members.

KILL ZONE - the area in which the suspects) could cause serious injury or death, based upon the suspect's location and firepower.

OUTER PERIMETER - a secondary control area. This area is manned by uniformed officers and should be evacuated of civilian traffic.

PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER - an officer who is assigned to disseminate information to the media as it is made available.

SPECIAL OPERATIONS TEAM (SOT) - a team of specially trained officers responsible for containing the suspect and resolving the situation.

SPECIAL OPERATIONS TEAM COMMANDER - a lieutenant who has the overall responsibility for the Special Operations ream and who approves the tactical plan.

SPECIAL OPERATIONS TACTICAL TEAM LEADERS - designated supervisors on the SOT who are responsible for supervising teams and directing their tactical deployment.



1. When responding to an armed and barricaded suspect or other critical situations:

      A. Maintain firearms discipline and take a position of cover.

      B. Isolate and secure the area. Confine the suspect to the immediate location and determine the Kill Zone.

      C. Aid any wounded and evacuate anyone within the Kill Zone. (NOTE: Officers shall wait for special resources to arrive before attempting to evacuate seriously wounded individuals.)

      D. Make the following notifications:

            1) An ambulance, if needed.

            2) A supervisor.

            3) A command level supervisor who is in charge of the area where the situation is occurring (i.e., Lieutenant, Division Commander, or Bureau Deputy Chief).

            4) Advise PSC of the following information:

                  a) Scene assessment.

                  b) Location, description and number of suspects.

                  c) Type of weapon suspect possesses.

                  d) Specify area of the Kill Zone, and avenues of approach.

                  e) Hostage information.

                  f) Injured person(s) present.

                  g) Locations where additional officers should be assigned.

            5) Request PSC to notify the SOT Commander/Team Leader.

      E. Direct witnesses to a place of safety and detain them for debriefing by SOT members.

      F. Upon relief by an SOT member, report to the Command Post for debriefing. PSC Supervisor:

2. When requested, a Public Safety Communications (PSC) Supervisor will notify:

      A. The SOT Commander/Team Leader.

      B. The designated on duty SOT members. The SOT Commander/Team Leader will notify off duty SOT members.

      C. The Staff Duty Officer.

      D. The on call Public Information Officer.

Field Supervisor:

3. Upon arrival, a field supervisor will assume command.

      A. Initiate on scene communications on a tactical frequency.

      B. Establish the location of the Command Post and the telephone number (if available) and convey to PSC. The Command Post will be established and directed in accordance with policy 31-109B, Command Pose.

      C. Obtain any available information that describes the location where the suspect is barricaded, including the floor plan.

      D. Establish initial contact with the suspect. Request assistance from the telephone company, if necessary.

Command Level Supervisor:

4. Upon arrival, a command level supervisor who is responsible for the area where the incident is occurring will assume command.

            A. Verify that all initial procedures and notifications have been completed.

            B. Upon completion of the operation, assume responsibility for the scene and verify that the area of the Command Post is secure.

SOT Members:

5. Upon arrival, SOT will relieve uniformed officers and assume control of  the inner perimeter.

SOT Commander:

6. Upon arrival, the SOT Commander will assume tactical responsibility for the scene and for the deployment of team members. In the absence of the SOT Commander, an SOT Team Leader will assume these responsibilities.

      A. Obtain a briefing from the Field Supervisor and/or Shift Commander.

      B. Serve as an advisor and a liaison between the Special Operations Team and the Field Commander.

      C. Both the SOT Commander and the Public Information Officer will jointly determine which information is suitable for release to the news media.

Crisis Negotiators:

7. Negotiators will respond to a call out upon the authorization of the SOT Commander or a Team Leader.

      A. When notified, report to the Command Post for assignment.

Public Information Officer:

8. The Public Information Officer will be responsible for:

      A. The safety of media personnel.

      B. Setting up a media information area.

      C. Disseminating information to the media as it is made available by the commanders in charge of the scene.


1. Officers responding to an armed and barricaded suspect or other critical situations shall maintain firearms discipline.

2. SOT officers are not to be used in their capacity as tactical officers except under the direct supervision of the SOT Commander or a Team Leader.

3. SOT Negotiators are not to be used in their capacity as crises negotiators except under the direct supervision and authorization of the SOT Commander or a Team Leader.

4. Chemical agents require proper training for effective use and shall be used ONLY upon the authorization of the SOT Team Commander or Team Leader. (Exception: Personal Defense Units/OC Spray)

Tulsa Police Department

6066 East 66th Street North

Tulsa, OK 74117-1811

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