2007 Conference materials and resources


IACP Legal Officers Section

IACP Police Psychological Services Section


IACP Legal Officers Section

Outlines, articles and other documents (PDF):

2006-2007 Supreme Court Cases of Interest to Law Enforcement

Beverly Ginn, Arizona

42 U.S.C. 1983 Civil Liability Update

Elliot Spector, Connecticut

Chiefs Guide to Labor Relations [opens very slowly, 608 pages]

Jack Collins, Massachusetts Municipal Police Institute

Employment Law Update

Jody M. Litchford, Florida

Legal Considerations in Using GPS FBI Bulletin article

Keith Hodges, FLETC Legal Division, Georgia

Management Rights A Massachusetts guide [opens slowly, 175 pages]

Jack Collins, Massachusetts Municipal Police Institute

Police Pursuits: Overview of Law and Policy Considerations

Alan Andrews and Julie Risher, North Carolina

Visual Presentations (PDF):

Dismantling the Maryland DNA Convicted Offender Database

Sharon Benzil, Maryland

Pursuit Claims Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983

Dawn M. Diedrich, Georgia

Warrantless Searches of Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

Keith Hodges, FLETC Legal Division, Georgia

IACP Police Psychological Services Section

Outlines: (PDF)

2007 Legal Update for Police Psychologists by Wayne Schmidt, AELE, Illinois

Recent Decisions Regarding Police Psychological Evaluations, by Martin J. Mayer, California

Section Guidelines (PDF):

Fitness for Duty Evaluation Guidelines    

Officer-Involved Shooting Guidelines    

Peer Support Guidelines       

Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluation Guidelines   

Guidelines for Consulting Police Psychologists

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